Friday, June 20, 2014

[Contraargumentació] force in a campaign focused pobox on the relations between Spain and Catalonia

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The Popular Party has played a # misto electoral campaign for the elections of May 25, referring to issues such as migration, coexistence and borders. At a campaign rally held in Badalona, accompanied pobox by Mayor Xavier Garcia Albiol (PPC), the Interior Minister, Jorge Fernandez Diaz (PP), has warned that if there was an immigration "massive and illegal" to the state, which does not compete with "immigration policies from responsibility" and with the support of the European Union, it could generate a "profound deterioration of the living." (La Vanguardia)
[Contraargumentació] force in a campaign focused pobox on the relations between Spain and Catalonia and tensions bipartisan, the PP has not rejected the option to recall one of its key themes, the alleged "illegal immigration" pobox in a display of ignorance of the rules, since not having proper documentation is an administrative offense and not a crime and is therefore more correct to call them "undocumented immigrants." In addition, the PP leaders have made mention of the word "massive" attributed to immigration, without specifying figures verifiable sources.
Diaz pointed out that there are "thousands and thousands of people that are in Morocco illegally and seek to enter illegally, and Spain need not and can not face it alone." According to the minister, the alleged "phenomenon" must confront the EU based on the principles of "solidarity and shared responsibility" because he said, would be "deeply unfair" that Spain would have to assume, considering that it has generated "unjust inequalities that continue to occur in countries of origin" of immigration as sudsahariana Africa, nor the conflicts arising from the Arab Spring.
The mayor of Badalona, Xavier Garcia Albiol, also act in the same campaign was "outraged" by the "speech from the demagoguery and approaches pobox quite easy but totally unrealistic," as well as some politicians that he engaged to give lessons in social policy or humanitarian measures which should be adopted.
"Those who give lessons bonisme those who say we have to accept everyone regardless entering illegally, I would willingly cede their resources pobox to cover salaries or pension resources. Do not know anyone who has waived his salary in favor of three people coming from outside, and they live with the basics, "he criticized.
[Contraargumentació] Both Fernandez and Diaz-Garcia Albiol have demonstrated the ability of appropriation of terms such as "solidarity", "inequality", "injustice" or "humanitarian aid", pobox with connotations quite different from those that would use agents engaged in international cooperation or social policies. It is appreciated that care about "inequalities" that plague the South, but do not remember the implications, responsibilities, and Northern countries pobox in these historic events. We must also recognize that proposals made to ensure the "solidarity" towards people illegally.
In short, the act of PP was used to revive themes and positions that are quite absent from the election campaign next # 25M, more focused on the rivalry PP-PSOE in Catalonia, Spain shaft. Without going any further, pobox the act itself Badalona, Diaz was referring to the tensions around the query 9N "It's dramatic Catalonia, land of welcome, which was made from the mixture and not asked people where he came from, has reached such levels of conflict and division within it. "(Digital Nation)
In this campaign, the PP seems to be the center of the controversy: the clearest example was the # misto male candidate of the PP in Europe, Miguel Arias Cañete, when he dared to say: "a political debate between man and

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