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Options that have been used Option Name Option Value Main Folder Categorization Used to define the main categorization (hierarchical folders based on a part of the operations' name, splitted using the upper caracters) of generated classes. As it starts Sub Folder Categorization Same usage than the main categorization except that it's for the sub categorization, usefull if you first use the main categorization. As it ends Method of Gathering Operations Classes are generated to gather operations based on the operations' name. In order to gather operations based on their name, you decide how the operations must be gathered accordingly to the oprations' name. Its basically the same behaviour than for categorizing the classes by folders. As it starts Generate Wsdl mother class Enable or disable the generation of the WsdlClass which will be the main class from which each generated class will inherit. You should always enable this option because this class has several usefull methods and is the core model to initialize the SoapClient and even more. Yes Generate Autoload File Enable or disable the generation of the autoload file. The autoload file is useless if you have an clever autoloader. Yes Generate Tutorial File Enable or disable the generation of the tutorial/sample file in order to have the starting code to use the generated fedex drop off classes. fedex drop off Yes Send An Array As Parameter Enable or disable the usage of one array containing all the parameters when calling the operation instead of passing as many parameters as the operations ask. Yes Response As A Generated Class Object Enable or disable the instanciation of an object when getting the result in order to have a WsdlClass generated class object. Yes Generic Constants fedex drop off Naming Enable or disable the usage of generic name for constants. The constants are generated when you have enumerations in the WSDL. If enabled, instead of having constant caring the value, cleaned, in its name, it is names with an auto-incremental number suffixing a fixed string. No Send Parameters In An Array Is linked with the "Send An Array As Parameter" option. These options are usefull when calling Windows WebServices as SharePoint. No Inheritance Struct Name Allow to define fedex drop off the name of the possible main structs from which others struct can ihnerit. By default, the inheritance is detected from the WSDL.
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