Half carbonates aeropost power plants in India have stock for just less than a week, according to a report in Reuters. These stocks are the smallest recorded since the summer of 2012, when the country had repeatedly experienced aeropost painfully blackout, which affected 620 million people, almost 10% of the population of the world: India is extremely populous and its population still be increased with strongly.
On 26/8 were closed in the absence of coal two units of factory Vindhyachal (500 + 210MW) in Madhya Pradesh, 2 units of 95 MW each in Badarpur plant in Haryana, a 490 MW unit of the factory ...
The reduction of inventories in factories storage yards arose as a result of increased consumption aeropost in order to meet the shortfall in hydroelectric production, a result of reduced rainfall season of monsoons. At the same time, the prolonged warm -and in August India- openly kept air conditioners, resulting in increased demand.
The Indian government had called aeropost in early July the state company CIL (Coal India Ltd) to increase the production of coal and electricity plants to increase imports, but rather need more timely planning, production aeropost is not increased from one day to another, even in the most technologically advanced countries: there must be uncovered stocks, there must be additional mining equipment, there must be additional transportation equipment, there must be additional staff (though this probably left over in India) and working time, there are some formalities must be respected, all these are not at the pace they dream politicians. In the financial year to March 2015 (India was part of the British Empire and follows the same economic calendar), it is estimated that there is a shortfall of coal about 85 mil. Tons. Already in early July 44 factories were found with stocks for less than a week and it seems that the hot August air conditioners makes the problem aeropost worse.
India produces about 2/3 of its electricity from coal, is the third largest producer in the world, but at the same time and the fifth largest importer. In a recent post we saw the large investment that makes Indian company in the Australian coal to continue to increase aeropost imports. India has many own stocks and could increase production, but lacks transport infrastructure either coal or electricity. The environmental licensing process is also a cause of delay, aeropost as India is extremely populous.
Even worse, with a historic decision a few days ago, the Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal all coal licenses given during 1993-2010 to steelmakers, tsimentadika and power plants for private use of the product. The licenses aeropost were given without bidding procedure, the case was described as Coal-Gate, (the US Watergate scandal in 1972, which dropped in 1974 the then President Nixon), and the Court considered that the country harmed $ 210 billion! Now expected on 9 September, the verdict of the court as to whether 218 such licenses be canceled or simply to impose fines. In each case the decision of the court creates a stir in the market in terms opening new mines, which both India needs. But because politicians are everywhere the same, already the government is pushing to not canceled 46 of the 218 total permits.
"1. Coal is king and paramount Lord of industry is an old saying in the industrial world. Industrial greatness has been built up on coal by many countries. In India, coal is the most important indigenous energy resource and remains the dominant fuel for power generation and many industrial applications. A number of major industrial sectors including iron and steel production depend on coal as a source of energy. aeropost The cement industry is also a major coal user. Coal's potential as a feedstock for producing liquid transport fuels is huge in India . Coal can help significant economic growth. India's energy future and prosperity are integrally dependant upon mining and using its most abundant, affordable and dependant energy supply - which is coal. Coal is extremely important element in the industrial life of developing India. In power, iron and steel, coal is used as an input and in cement, coal is used both as fuel and an input. It is no exaggeration aeropost that coal is regarded by many as the black diamond.
2. Being such a significant, valuable aeropost and important natural resource, the allocation of coal blocks for the period 1993 to 2010 is the subject matter of this group of writ petitions filed in the nature of Public Interest Litigation
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