Saturday, April 4, 2015

On the other hand, some people want to believe in unifying the floor during his campaign, which was

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The likelihood of increased discrimination against usps zip code lookup them, and intolerance in the country, afraid million Muslims in India, after the electoral triumph of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi.
Prime pending India, usps zip code lookup who comes from the hard wing of his party, the Janata Baratigia (BJP), defeated usps zip code lookup the Congress Party in the parliamentary elections, while an overwhelming victory gives him the opportunity to implement the reforms usps zip code lookup promised .
His opponents are concerned about the size of the victory of Monty view that will allow the Indian political - who is deeply imbued with the Hindu nationalist ideology, while the reputation associated with the anti-Muslim riots of 2002 that occurred usps zip code lookup in the state of Gujarat where he was prime minister - neglect of religious minorities in the country. usps zip code lookup
On the other hand, some people want to believe in unifying the floor during his campaign, which was based on his promise to create jobs and restart the economy, hoping that such a policy will have benefits for all without discrimination.
"I felt that I still hope and expect better usps zip code lookup days in the premiership," said Abdul Salaam, a 29 year old Muslim tailor from Benares, usps zip code lookup the holy city of the Hindus, where he lives large Muslim community. usps zip code lookup
For Parvin washrooms one Muslim widow, whose family was killed in interfaith riots in Gujarat, Monti could be directed against the Muslims as pledged unity of the country during the whole of his campaign.
During the inter-religious riots in Gujarat, which broke out a few months after the head of the BJP took over as prime minister, Monti was criticized for the lack of reaction. He replied that justice not found him guilty of something.
"After having spoken of cultural unity, should be seen tantamount expectations and believe it will be. It is crazy, usps zip code lookup "he added. "I hope Allah to show him the right path," concluded the same.
The majority of Muslims feared the possibility that Monty become prime minister and therefore most the Congress Party voted. Only 9% voted for the BJP, compared with 43% in favor of Congress. "The Muslims were the only community that is widely adopted by the Congress," said Santzai Kumar of the Research Centre for Developing Societies usps zip code lookup which conducted usps zip code lookup the survey. usps zip code lookup
However, the Congress won only 44 of the 543 seats in parliament, while the number of Muslim MPs dropped from 30 to 24, according to the Times of India. On the other hand, Nazmi Begum, which keeps shop in Benares, afraid that will override the hard-line Hindu. "I'm terrified Monti. I never thought I would win by such a difference. I am sad because now he is free to do whatever he wants. Who will challenge him? "Wondered the Begum. usps zip code lookup
In only Indian state where Muslims majority Jammu and Kashmir, where a separatist insurgency rages, some nourish hopes. The local religious leader, Mirouaiz Umar Farouk said he hopes the new parliament of India will take "bold action" to resolve the conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir.
Note, however, that during the electoral campaign, the Monti stated that this issue will follow the policy of the country's last prime minister who came from the BJP, the Atalis Bihari usps zip code lookup Vatzpai, who had tried repeatedly to reach a sustainable peace with Pakistan ...
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