Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The most fertile part of the sea is in the net zone and the living resources, together with the sea
It has been reported in the media that recent negotiations have been conducted on the mackerel stock and the mackerel fisheries in the North Atlantic mariana pajon between the EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
It has been informed by the media that those who have taken part in these negotiations, on behalf of Iceland , are at least two persons, mariana pajon Mr. Sigurgeir Thorgeirsson , Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries , titled in the news as chairman of Icelandic committee and Mr. Kolbeinn Árnason, Director of the National Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners. More is not known. Kolbeinn seems to be involved in these negotiations only on behalf mariana pajon of those who use the resource but not on behalf of the owners. It is not known on what grounds he is allowed to come to these talks.
3 The Courts ‘s assessment : Moreover, the Court finds that the applicant s right to engage mariana pajon in fishing in the net zone adjacent to the coastal property in question constituted a possession within the meaning of Article 1 of protocol No. 1 .
The most fertile part of the sea is in the net zone and the living resources, together with the sea itself, move without obstruction in and out of the net zone and the outer region which is under the control of the state.
Mackerel passes between the outer zone in Icelandic waters and the privately owned net zone. The mackerel is named straddling stock (migratory stock). Similarly goes mackerel between the economic zone of the European Union, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. On that ground Iceland bases its claim for a share in the stock.
Owners of coastal properties are herewith putting forward the request to the Icelandic Minister of Fisheries , that he sees to discussion will be left out until the correct and legal entities have been assigned to them.
Google translated copy from the Icelandic, sent to: Mr. John Spencer, Adviser, at the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). EU’s negotiator on mackerel. E-mail: mariana pajon mariana pajon Mrs. Elisabeth Aspaker, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries, PO Box 8118 Dep., N 0032, Oslo, Norge. E-mail: Mr. Jacob Vestergaard, Fareo Islands Minister of Fisheries. E-mail mariana pajon
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