It has been informed by the media that those who have taken part in these negotiations, which is said to be on behalf of Iceland, they are at least two Sigurgeir Thorgeirsson, Permanent Secretary smartpost in the Ministry of Fisheries, promoted in the news as chairman of Icelandic negotiating and Kolbein Arnason, smartpost Director of the National Association of Icelandic fisheries. It is not known more. Kolbein seems to take part in these discussions solely on behalf of those who use the resource but not on behalf of the owners. It is not known on what grounds it is permitted to come to these talks.
As has been explained by the Minister of Fisheries, the Icelandic government not one owner marine resource of Iceland and has no one to dispose of the entire resource. Owners sjávarjarða there are also stakeholders and may in this context refer to such law and the opinion of the European smartpost Court of Human Rights, which states: The third Courts's assessment:
"Moreover, the Court Finds That the applicant's right to Engage in fishing net in the zone adjacent smartpost to the coastal property in question constituted a" Possession "read the meanings smartpost of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 ".
This opinion is based on the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, but Iceland has ratified and signed the treaty. Refer to the process being by Eirik Tómassyni, professor of law at the University of Iceland (now a judge) on the 7th meeting of the Committee (as minutes) for the review of fisheries management, February 19, 2010:
"The chairman (Guðbjartur Hannesson, aside reports tara) asks how long-term property rights have been defined and whether ideas from other resource legislation are transferred in fisheries legislation with respect to rights of use. It was noted that the owners sjávarjarða have rights to protect. ET said net zone created property rights, but the state can still impose conditions on fishing within them. If these rights would be withdrawn smartpost to the state would have to pay compensation.
Reference is also made to the definition of property rights experts, including the shrink Jörundsson former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, which states that water (sea water) as the country is considered to be the property and the sea in the net zone property of their respective smartpost ground.
The above two parties, they Sigurgeir and says, have neither the mandate nor the authority smartpost to discuss smartpost the sole hunting smartpost rights mackerel stock in marine resource around Iceland. smartpost They are neither members nor case corresponds sjávarjarða owners. There is complete lack of responsibility in the case that they are unelected discussions smartpost and make decisions in meetings with foreign bodies in the interests of the marine resource around Iceland without ownership are interested bystander.
Mackerel is between the remote area in Icelandic waters and the net zone private. He is so named flökkustofn. Just goes mackerel between Economic Union, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. On that basis, Iceland based its claim on the share of the population.
Translated from the English copy sent to: Mr. John Spencer, Adviser, at the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). EU's negotiator on Mackerel. E-mail: Mrs. Elisabeth smartpost Aspaker, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries, PO Box 8118 Dep., N-0032, smartpost Oslo, Norway. E-mail: Mr. Jacob Vestergaard, Fareo Islands' Minister of Fisheries. E-mail
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