Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Le 26 juin 2013, la poste anglais and emissions un timbre (tariff permanent

Le 26 juin 2013, la poste anglais and emissions un timbre (tariff permanent 'E' - ENVOI jusqu'à 50 g vers l'Europe, 25 CZK actuellement) consacré and 130e anniversaire de la naissance iparcel de l'écrivain Franz Kafka (1883-1924 ). J'ai déjà parlé de ce timbre iparcel pob (conc par Marina Richter) pob sur ce qui a pour blog devise "injustice, intemporalité et Metamorphose" pob en référence à ces Notions développées dans les romans de principaux Kafka, Consider comme l'un des écrivains majeurs du début du 20ème siècle. A l'occasion de la 16ème édition de la Foire internationale des collectionneurs pob "collector" pob organisée à Prague du 5 au 7 septembre 2013 de nombreuses pob cartes spéciales ont été émises, en particulier à deux cartes consacrées ce timbre "Kafka" ... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/09/souvenirs-kafka-de-la-foire-sberatel.html - On June 26, 2013, the Czech Post issued a stamp (permanent 'E' rate - up letter to 50 grams sent to Europe, pob Currently 25 CZK) dedicated pob to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the writer Franz Kafka (1883-1924). I've already written about this stamp (designed by Marina Richter) iparcel on this blog Whose motto is "injustice, timelessness and metamorphosis" in reference to the concepts developed in the major novels written iparcel by Kafka, Considered iparcel pob as one of the greatest writers of the early 20th century. On the occasion of the 16th edition of the International collectors pob fair "collector" held in Prague from 5 to 7 September 2013, many special cards were issued, Including pob two cards Devoted pob to That "Kafka" iparcel stamp ... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/09/souvenirs-kafka-de-la-foire-sberatel.html - Eric Contesse more: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/ 2013 (234) October (9) September (47) Jilemnice fourth visit 10th 2013 Vera Čáslavská and Vl ... Wednesday, iparcel the 2nd 10th 2013: Exhibition of Stamp Design Department ... Flamme pob Illustrée anglais à consacrée Josef Bican / ... The nearest philatelic events Hommage au footballeur "Pepi" Bican en Rep.. Tchèqu ... Nuit des Musées à Prague - TAD Special pob / Night of ... Chevaux Kinsky - Nouveaux FDCs tchèques / Kinsky H. .. The exhibition in Prague's pob Wenceslas Zapadlík Portheimce in P. .. Occasional block Pepi Bican in orážecím movement pob ... Competition multinational PostEurop the most beautiful stamp ... KF Club pages 00-15 Praha Cachet de l'APNU à la Foire de Prague collector / U. .. Hommage à Jean-Paul Belmondo à Prague! / Tribute T. .. P. Kancnýř: Our roads are difficult - Bohemia part ... Z. Happy: Exhibition of vintage motorcycles and postal ... What was the Prague Museum Night? 4 nouveaux timbres personnalisés pob tchèques / Four N. .. 100 years since the birth of Josef "Pepi" Bicana 700 ans de la ville de New Jicin en Rep.. Anglais ... A few tips for getting the occasional fingerprint time ... Souvenirs "Kafka" de la Foire à Prague collector / ... Der Erste Grafik iparcel Druck mit der Tschechischen Post ... Prague pob Museum Night 2013 the Postal Museum in the photo ... Omaggio a Josef "Pepi" Bican Josef Bican and chlumečtí horses - 36 exhibition grade ... Voitures de collection pob - Nouveau carnet anglais 20th .. 3rd commemorative stamp Břetislav Pojar - 90 Anniversary N. .. Hommage aux derniers champions du monde tchèques D. .. 39th Auction of Postal Stationery & Postal History ... 4th 9th 2013 - Baptism marks World Slalom 201 .. PhilaSearch.com: new online auctions X. Museum Night in Prague and the Postal Museum for Communication clubs Philatelists - distribution invitation ... Exhibition and motorcycle commemorative certificate from Brno, apostate A. .. Réserve naturelle de Karlstejn - Nouveau pob bloc Tche ... Karlstejn and flower pictures iparcel from the last meeting The first club meeting pob was a success Championnats du monde de Cano-kayak (slalom) and Pr ... Apollofila: J. Poverty - "Bibliographic list of F. .. Nouveau CRI et carnet Special "Congrès de l'UPU" E. .. KF 00-15 Prague invites you to a series of lectures 35 exhibition and a record number of artists during the Partitions Stamp Design Fair Collector pob Collector / Sammler / Collector Carte transportée en ballon en postal Rep.. Anglais ... Create your own at the fair cartes maximum August (26) July (17) June (32) May (19) April (25) March (21) February (15) January (23) 2012 ( 115) December (13) November (3) October (7) September pob (10) August (7) July (5) June (11) July (7) April (20) March ( 6) February (9) January (17) 2011 (107) December (3) November (11) October pob (10) September (11) August (10) June (16) May ( 8) April (11) March (9) February (9) January (9) 2010 (78) December (5) November
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