In Dnepropetrovsk will take a long awaited event Rally ETR 2013" Over the past years, participants and spectators are fond of competitions organized and held PA "Dnipropetrovsk regional" Athletic Union "and the Automobile Club ETR Racing. Very happy to announce that this year we renew Rally ETR , which was remembered interesting tracks die post and a good level of implementation. Unlike previous die post years, we have gone further and said competition in multistage natsinalnuyu series for fans of that went into the calendar is officially called the "Tier III Trophy FAA Rally on production cars ETR 2013 "to be held 06-07 July 2013 in Dnepropetrovsk. Change of status, the better impact on the quality die post of the organization of the rally, without changing his scheme for. Scheme rally consists of six passages in three different directions at a prearranged unpaved SU, with a preliminary examination, and in the end with a traditional ceremony. To date, pre-registration begins crews at Rally ETR 2013." The program looks like this rally. Vіvtorok "04" 06.2013 p. 12:00 Publіkatsіya die post Regulations, Vіdkrittya Priya applications Sereda "03" 07.2013 p. 12:00 Zakrittya poperednogo Priya applications Subota "06" 07.2013 p. 11:30 Pershe organіzatsіyne zasіdannya KSK 12:00 Vіdkrittya Sekretarіatu that Pres center 12:00 - for rozkladom Admіnіstrativna perevіrka12: 00-13: 00 class "1300", "1600" 13: 00-14: 00 class "2000", "2 WD 14: 00-15: 00 class "4 WD , Sports die post 1230 - for rozkladom Tehnіchna perevіrka12: 30-13: 30 class "1300", "1600" 13: 30-14: 30 classes "2000", "2 WD 14: 30-15: 30 class "4 WD , Sports 16:00 More zasіdannya KSK Brifіng 17:00 to 18:00 uchasnikіv Publіkatsіya list of assumptions that the agriculture uchasnikіv zasobіv die post Nedіlya "07" 07.2013 p. 06:00 - 7:00 Setting the agriculture zasobіv uchasnikіv in peredstartovu die post zonuMedichny control. Peredstartova Tehnіchna perevіrka 7:00 - 08:30 h Oznayomlennya Tracy spetsіalnih die post dіlyanok 8:00 - 08:30 Publіkatsіya startovoї vіdomostі. Vidacha sportivnoї dokumentatsії 8:30 Urochiste vіdkrittya 9:00 Start 15:00 Fіnіsh ekіpazhu Perches Perches ekіpazhu 16:30 thirds die post zasіdannya KSK 17:00 Publіkatsіya poperednoї ostatochnoї klasifіkatsії zmagannya 17:30 Fourthly zasіdannya KSK 18:00 Publіkatsіya ofіtsіynoї ostatochnoї klasifіkatsії zmagannya 18: 00 Tseremonіya nagorodzhennya After reviewing the regulations and technical requirements for vehicles that can DOWNLOAD: REGULATIONS. Technical requirements for vehicles DOWNLOAD: You need to download fill out and send to the address: die post Applications "Applications for participation die post have ZMAGANNІ" DOWNLOAD: Command line application to participate from ZMAGANNІ" DOWNLOAD: upon receipt and examination of the application, the Chief Secretary to register the application status of "conditional", and sends the participant die post by e-mail details to pay the entry fee. After payment of the entry fee is necessary to inform the Chief Secretary for payment, after which the application falls into the status of "Paid". Contact the Chief Secretary: 098-631-33-55 Yuri. On the administrative and technical checks participants must arrive die post at their scheduled time according to the program, with the original documents: Driver's license die post (pilot, navigator) License participant (s), Pilot License (pilot, navigator), Team License (if necessary), National Technical vehicle registration document, the FAA data sheet (if any), the receipt of payment of the entry fee, copies of passports and identification code of the pilot and the navigator (for registration of insurance, which cost 50 hryvnia for the crew), Identification Cards, Crew (raspechatanoy with pasted photographs, filling Full name and personal signatures) "Іdentifіkatsіyna map DOWNLOAD: Questions organizer forum: php? mode = edit & f = 15 & p = 523 Phone: 097-530-0-530, 0988-727-707. Email:
Skoda Club Ukraine forum / Club / Dance music / ETR rally Mozhlivo skhozhі those ... Subject: Author die post Vіdpovіdey: Pereglyadіv: Ostannє Rally Estonia 2014 (European Championship) megadrive 0156 07/11/2014 11:48 Ostannє: megadrive 26.11.11 amateur rally "Seagull" coupe 0918 22-11-2011 18:56 Ostannє: coupe rally alushta 2011 BB 6 1652 03-11-2011 9:46 Ostannє: Capa Rally Kievan Rus 2011 BB 3 1439 20-07-2011 7:09 Ostannє: Misan Yalta Rally 2011 BB 19 3 289 13-06-2011 17:27 Ostannє: Sergey_m rally mariupol 2011 BB 3 1616 17-05-2011 13:30 Ostannє: Uncle Slava Rally Cup Limanov Vyacheslav777 1 February 2011 627 05-05-2011 22:01 Ostannє: TUA rally chumak Way BB 4 1124 20-04-2011 8:46 Ostannє: D & G on March 8th "Big women's rally" Giovanni 3 1 123 09-03-2011 23:37 Ostannє Rimma What
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