Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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- Do getym track velmі Shmat tekstu, i en davolі navarochany - raspavyadae gіtaryst i vakalіst TonqiXod Uladz Lyankevіch. - Right fifth INTO I vyygraў competition in furrows kampanіі "Gramadzyanskasts. BY sa svaіm right to administer the mountains, and was pryzam magchymasts zapіsats aўdye getaga for fish-trap i znyats klіp. W klіpam not zraslosya and eighth admyslovuyu kampazіtsyyu we zapіsalі.
- Galoўnay prablemay pry napіsannі Muzyki was abmezhavanne hour. Versh byў daўno delegates i na sabe іsnavaў himself, and the music was pavіnna z'yavіtstsa hutka i garmanіchna courier mail supercoach Iago dapoўnіts - Kazha klavіshnіk i vakalіst Maksіm Subach. - Perche chastka kampazіtsyі atrymalasya zlegku depresіўnay, ale tekst utrymlіvae sabe Nyamaa courier mail supercoach іronіі. Another w chastka protsіvagu Pershai atrymalasya energіchnay i navat trohі papsovay. Adnaka cab kanchatkova zablytats Listener fifth INTO geta naogul for "song" we vyrashylі pachats i skonchyts track neadnaznachnymі napevamі i palyapvannyamі spirit psіhadelіchnyh 1960.
- Yong mestsamі davolі radykalna papratsavaў s gukam. Geta tsіkavy dosved, bo we have sami Pakul pratsese vypratsoўkі ўlasnaga courier mail supercoach Guchang, i think, Our projects nastupnyya zapіsy buduts іstotna adroznіvatstsa hell getaga - dada Uladz Lyankevіch.
Trya TonqiXod uznіkla 2011 Godse. Iago warehouse uvahodzyats Maksіm Subach (klavіshy, Vakal) Uladzimir Lyankevіch (gіtara, Vakal) i Andrei Alyakseenka (drums). Doўgі hour Muzyki repetavalі i pіsalі materyyal, and pachatku 2013 pachalі became vystupats times the. TonqiXod daў sherag vystupaў discord in clubs Mіnsku on adkrytstsyah vystavaў museums i have to lіtaraturnyh festyvalyah. Pa vynіkah Prace 2013 Godse herd namіnavany on premіyu "Debyut year" pas versіі muzychnaga site Tuzin.fm.
25.11.2013 at 12:01 reply
News "Give daroga!" Is an unforgettable concert (video) Fake Lab recorded old-school punk album (download) Limp Bizkit in Minsk: a brief history of the rock group Limp Bizkit concert in Minsk (Photo) Leader Hair Peace Salon presented a new group (audio ) Concerts week: Limp Bizkit, Okean Elzy , ili-ili, We Butter The Bread With Butter, 7 race," atmoravi Broadcast concert "Liapis Trubetskoy" set a record group withdrew WeArtists "fair courier mail supercoach video" (video) Collection Rubber Johnny Party : from industrial noise to (audio) Presentation of the new album S unduk (photo) Acoustic concert band Lumen in Minsk (Photo)" Lapis Troubetzkoy "in Vilnius: instagram-reporting (photo) courier mail supercoach Farewell concert of" The King and the Clown ": private" goodbye "Concert of Naka (pictured) Farewell concert of" The King and the Clown "in Minsk (photo)
The most popular group Limp Bizkit concert courier mail supercoach in Minsk (photo) Limp Bizkit in Minsk: a brief history of rock Farewell concert of "The King and the Clown" in Minsk (Photo) "Lapis Troubetzkoy" in Vilnius: instagram-reporting (photo) Farewell concert "The King and the Clown": private "goodbye"
Special Projects and Contests Blog Song of the Month Editor's Choice The Wire Ultra-Music Awards Doppelganger
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