Tuesday, November 5, 2013

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* Remove all ads and get special services for your website's registered post (more info: Click) * Windows First Association Tournament: Play Penguin Penguin | Starting / (with bonus) Important Announcement regarding compliance listed priority mail the instances of criminal Site
User registration and registered Raytl SIM registration phase: After careful priority mail study, as agreed priority mail in the terms and conditions of registration, the option "I accept these terms" and then select "Next" at the bottom of the page Click Move to the second page. Stage II: This stage must, county, city of residence, national number (no dashes) and enter the security code and then click on the check button. Your choices will be displayed. Each applicant can now just a regular SIM card and a data SIM Raytl purchase. If you have not already purchased any SIM cards, postpaid SIM SIM data for both options are enabled. If you have already purchased a SIM permanent data, the only other option you can buy. Select your desired SIM card and select the Next button. If you do not wish to register or make a purchase, or need to return to the previous Previous button or click Cancel. Third stage: In this stage, the Persian language is your keyboard and then fill in your details as follows: Name: Name the National ID Card: National ID Card with the Father: the national ID card In accordance with national card without dashes Place of Issue: Date of the birth: the nationalist card in the format day / month / year (eg 23/10/1360) starred as other application please complete accuracy. Address email letters into English. Please note that completion priority mail of non star, the more information we can help. In the end, after the above steps, click the Submit button. Fourth stage: At this stage, priority mail all information you input is displayed for confirmation. If you need to correct a possible return to the previous page. Otherwise, click OK button. Fifth stage: At this stage, depending on the possibility of registration or shopping online, you can choose one of the following: If the registration is open for you a tracking number is provided in. Raytl after contact with you to complete the registration, you will need this number. But if the online shop is open invoice with the product of choice for the initial packets are displayed. If there is more than opening a package, please priority mail choose a favorite. At the bottom, a distance or in-person payment method and click the "Next" button. If you have chosen to distance mode, simply enter the bank will pay the port, and the style you chose in person, payment can be made available to you so that you can refer to one of the bank's branches, within three working days after register, at the relevant Deposit Account Raytl here. If you need help, additional information or contact Raytl with Raytl customer care number 2920 (021) please contact. [Registered users only can see links]
Best user
After receiving the registration email, SMS or call Raytl to complete registration, you will have the opportunity to declare certain period. Check with this deadline, you will not be able to complete priority mail registration and no longer active Pygyrytan applicant priority mail will be disabled. Next, complete the registration process, are described. Step 1: In order to complete registration and pay your SIM card, the website's home page Raytl to address [Links are only available to registered users] registration on the menu option or purchase link to complete the registration Click to register. Step 2: In this step, you enter the first page of registration. Click on the button to complete registration. To enter the registration code, national, and follow the code of your code will be required. The three enter the code and click the login button. If you click tracking code Raytl forgot "I forget Tracking Code" button, and enter the required information. Tracking code, will be sent to your email address. Step 3: At this stage you can review your information and edit as needed. After entering the information reviewed, the details entered in the form is checked and, if necessary, corrected here. Here you can get information priority mail about the address, zip code, telephone number and mobile, as well as education, occupation and change priority mail the e-mail and click the Change button to record the changes you requested to be applied. If basic information, including name, number, national identification number, names, sex, nationality, or date of birth is wrong, can contact with customer service. Please priority mail note that the above information is specific to your SIM card. Atmymnan the accuracy priority mail of the information entered, priority mail click the Next button. priority mail Step 4: In this page, locate the description of chosen SIM, which will be shown at the time of registration. Ensure the accuracy of the contents, click the "Next" button. Step 5: On this page you can customize the payment method Please priority mail specify. May be paid in two ways. All online payments through accelerated network member banks: If you select this option,

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