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Two persons have violated the tee, and several faces easier conflicting groups cheered "Partisan" and "Red Star" at the exit of the village Umka in Belgrade. B92 nezvanino learned that one person of 19 years prebaena in Emergency Medical Center with lacerations to his head, and the other was admitted chemi colis daqalebi unconscious. Violated several passers-by chemi colis daqalebi and damaged the bus GSP and four vehicles. A spokesman for the Belgrade Emergency assistance Nada Macura said the "Courier" that two people hardly violated, one of which is in a coma upuena in Emergency Medical Center, while a group of young men refused medical assistance. Emergency Medical Center received two and cheered with minor injuries. On Umci are strong forces and police andarmerije that have managed to separate the warring cheered. Police determines under what circumstances the outbreak tua. From 18:00 aces at the "Red Star" game 145 vjeiti derby between the "Red Star" and "Partizan". (Roe)
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