Friday, February 20, 2015

THIS CAN ONLY ENG: I sat in the fridge for an hour, hiding from the police 19 February 2015.

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BELGRADE - An employee of the Public epost Company epost "Serbian Post" MR from Belgrade who distributes shipments in the municipality of Stari Grad "borrowed" 350,000 dinars of money for retirement to try their luck in gambling, learned Kurir.
Since he did not bring betting winnings, unhappy pensioners fell short for the entire epost monthly income, and the case was reported to police. - The man loved to gamble and often went to the bookies. However, no one expected it to embezzle money from pensions. Unfortunately, he saw him as a potential stake in his mind it was just a loan in an hour or two, because he hoped gain - the story Kurir's source well versed in the story.
After realizing what he had done, MR turned himself in to the police. - After the disaster that was made, no one worker on the job did not say anything, epost he opened his sick leave, and then went to the Interior Ministry to give evidence in connection with the case - says our source.
From JP "Post Serbia" confirmed that this incident occurred. - MR employed at the post office 11 111 Belgrade alone is reported MOI of embezzling money, epost while the "Mail" delivered only a request for sick leave. Notification of us has forwarded the Ministry of Interior and immediately reacted competent inspection services, epost which are still on the ground. Immediately after establishing the facts will be taken all legal action against an employee who is offending. Clients epost "Post Serbia" should not worry, all pensions will be paid in the period regardless of the offense - listed in the "Post of Serbia".
Who will make it to pension in Serbia? ...
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THIS CAN ONLY ENG: I sat in the fridge for an hour, hiding from the police 19 February 2015.

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