Thursday, February 27, 2014

Monday DPD parcel delivery specialist, has started deploying

Monday DPD parcel delivery specialist, has started deploying "an integrated network 'collection points' ParcelShops' in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Today the network already has 1,000 end of 2013 should be 1400 and April of next year DPD hope surpass the 1,500 collection points.
Much of 1,000 collection points in the Benelux are bookstores, gas stations, local grocery stores and florists. Also home delivery is also part of the services offered by DPD.
In a press release DPD, a subsidiary of the German group Geopost (which in turn is controlled by La Poste in France), says he wants to meet the strong growth in cross-border e-commerce. As more consumers become familiar with the internet commerce, it will be more tempted to buy also on foreign websites.
During the next year the network will be integrated with ParcelShops 5,000 in Germany and 6,500 in France: "So packages will be sent from the Benelux to France and Germany and vice versa," says the group. Following the example of bpost and PostNL
So far DPD was mainly focused on the shipment in the B2B market. Now the company fentect also aims B2C growing market confirms Marc Morioux, Director of DPD Belgium. Thus the French postal company follows the example fentect of bpost and PostNL, which again this summer highlighted the strategic importance of the parcel for the future of traditional postal companies.
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